The 8 Flux Superpowers

Unlock your Flux Mindset.


The 8 Flux Superpowers are essential disciplines and practices that are fit for a world in flux.

The 8 Flux Superpowers are the “how to” of Flux. Developing your Flux Superpowers improves your relationship to uncertainty and empowers you to show up more fully in life — even (and especially!) when change hits.

Some superpowers may be more essential for you than others, thanks to what makes you unique. They can be applied both personally and professionally, both individually and organizationally. Start with whichever one piques your interest first and go from there. (You do not have to tackle them in order. This is a menu, not a syllabus.) The more you flux, the more flux-y you become!



Run Slower

Manage your pace to be your best – for yourself and others.


See What’s Invisible

Learn how to identify your blind spots, broaden your perspective, and embrace the full picture.


Get Lost

Get comfortable with discomfort and harness not knowing.


Start with Trust

Unlock the single most important factor to thriving in uncertainty.


Know Your “Enough”

Discover the foundation of true happiness and well-being.


Create Your Career Portfolio

Design and own a successful, meaningful career that's fit for a future of work in flux.


Be All The More Human

Recalibrate your relationship to technology to favor human connection.


Let Go of the Future

Level up your relationship to control for better outcomes.

The 8 Flux Superpowers

The Flux Superpowers help you see change in new ways, develop new responses, and ultimately reshape your relationship to change.